Monday, November 10, 2014

Mom vs. Boyfriend

I’m sitting here on my couch attempting to do homework. What a way to spend a school free Sunday. Did you catch the sarcasm? Well I’ve been thinking about my past lately; how my life was growing up…a teenager with an infatuation for older guys.

It’s the summer time and I’m 15 years old. Beautiful and 15…not to mention I came with wide hips, ass, and a tablespoon of A cup breast. I was wearing pajamas and a red bandana to tie my hair up. The undercover pickup truck had just pulled us over…he had been following us for the past 5-7 minutes. I had just snuck away from my parent’s house. See, I was young, wild, and in lust. I had been dating 20 year old Michael for a while. He had convinced me to sneak out of the house while my parents were away at work…and because I “thought” I loved him…I agreed. Stupid, right?

The undercover police officer walks to the driver side of Michael’s truck. He began to question Michael…you know the usual questions: license, registration, etc. Let’s just say Michael had none of the above. The police then proceeded to run the license plate tag numbers into the system. I was unaware at the time that the truck was stolen. What does a 15 year old girl do at this point?

I began to create lies to try not to get caught by the police! LOL! Looking back at it I could’ve came up with better lies! The police began to question me, but back then I didn’t even have an I.D. They typed my name into the system, found out my age, and my parents’ names. The tears began to roll down my face. My entire morning was going wrong! I knew my parents were going to kill me!

The police called my mother’s job and then proceeded to ask me, “You want to speak to your mom?” Now, what makes him think that I want to talk to her? The police finally took me home after making me wait forever in the back of the police car. I was so damn scared to walk through the front door of my house. It was quiet, but I knew my siblings were laughing at me. See, I was going through that stage of “rebel; I do what I want when I think I won’t get caught, but I always get caught”. That stage was terrible for me looking back at it. I was so afraid to talk my mom…let alone see my dad.

 My mom said I didn’t have a room anymore…she basically removed everything. I had no bed, no sheets, and no Nsync or B2K posters on the wall. I literally had no nothing.

What kind of punishment was this? How did I get caught? Why?

Is it bad enough that I actually called Michael to make sure he wasn’t arrested? Or is it worse that I have to tell my 20 year old “lover” that I was on punishment. Crazy…yet, true. He was a free man and I felt like I was in jail with no freedom, no cell phone, and no picture of Omarion above my “use to be mine” bed.

My mom kept constantly telling me that Michael didn’t love me, and that he only wanted sex. Little did she know, we were never sexually active with each other. He tried to have sex multiple times, but I was scared and I also cherished my virginity. I just loved his male attention. Looking back at it…he was terrible for me. He hadn’t graduated from high school, no GED, smoked weed all day (I didn’t smoke weed then…I thought it was disgusting), no job, and stayed with his mom. He deserved a 15 year old with that lifestyle…peep the sarcasm once again. I was 15 and a fool…a trouble child.

But I learned right then at the age of 15 that every man doesn’t really care for you. I learned that if you allow a man to use you, then he will. Hard lesson to learn at 15, huh? If you’re 15 and your “boyfriend” is 20…there is a significant problem. At that age you have nothing to offer, but baby breath and your most prized possession…your temple (your vagina)…let’s just be honest. Oh, and if a man is trying to influence you to rebel against your parents, especially when your parents care for you the most, then something obviously isn’t right.

Looking back on it, I wish I would’ve listened to my mother. It would’ve saved me from a ton of punishment, knock outs, and tears…but most importantly, it would’ve saved my mother from heartache.

MY ADVICE: If you’re a teenager reading this…always listen to your mother. Mothers are rarely wrong when it comes to life experiences and lessons. 9 times out of 10 when mom says stay away from a particular male, stay away! He will lead you into nothing, but trouble and teenage years full of tears! Your mom isn’t giving you the long speeches to annoy you…she just doesn’t want you to endure what she had to.
"A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking" -Helen Rice

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